根据Bronsted Lowry理论。这可以用方程1和2来解释。方程1是强酸和强碱反应时的反应。一旦所有的氢离子游离氯离子在盐酸,然后把氢离子从底部指示器(方程2所示)。一旦指示器的氢离子,它改变颜色,标志着端点之间反应的盐酸和氢氧化钠。正如奥斯特瓦尔德理论所表达的,颜色改变了我们的预期。该理论认为,颜色变化是指示剂电离的结果。滴定法是一种常用的方法,用来确定未知酸或未知碱在溶液中的浓度。滴定是一项需要了解的重要技能。这背后的原因是因为它每天都在不同类型的环境中发生。在社会的各个方面,滴定都得到了利用。滴定的主要目的是找出一种反应物的未知浓度。酸碱滴定是酸与碱的逐次缓慢反应。将标准碱溶液从滴定管中加入到精确测量的酸溶液中,直到等当点或化学计量点。在滴定过程中,等当点是加入的滴定剂完全中和溶液的地方。换句话说,当反应的摩尔比恰好等于化学计量所要求的摩尔比时,等当点就出现了。在这一点上,酸和碱都不过量,也不是限制反应物。此外,溶液的pH值取决于酸的相对强度和滴定所用碱的强度。一质子酸(HCl)是一种提供一个质子的酸,因此有一个等当点。而聚丙酸每除去一个质子就有一个等当点。关键是要能够看到一个反应中的等当点。为此,使用酸碱指示剂,在等当点附近改变颜色。有时pH值可以用仪器测量(而不用化学指示剂)。pH计用于测量由H+引起的电压变化。在终点处,pH/电压会发生巨大的变化。

英国化学essay代写 强酸和强碱反应

According to the Bronsted Lowry theory. This can be explained in equation 1 and 2. Equation 1 is the reaction that happens when a strong acid and strong base react together. Once all of the hydrogen ions dissociate from the chlorine ions in hydrochloric acid, the base then pulls hydrogen ions from the indicator (shown in Equation 2). Once the indicator has the hydrogen ion taken from it, it changes colour, signifying the endpoint of the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. As expressed by the Ostwald theory colour changes our expected. The theory states that colour change is a result of the ionization of an indicator. A commonly employed procedure used to ascertain the concentration of an unknown acid or an unknown base in solution is referred to as titration. Titration is a vital skill to understand. The reason behind this is because it takes place on a daily basis in all different types of environments. Within all aspects of society, titrations are utilized. The main goal of titration to find the unknown concentration of one of the reactants. Acid-base titrations are the slow drop by drop reaction of an acid with a base. The standard base solution is added from a burette to an accurately measured volume, or aliquot, of the acid solution until the equivalence point, or stoichiometric point is reached. Within a titration, the equivalence point is where the amount of titrant added completely neutralizes the solution. In other words, the equivalence point occurs when the mole ratio in the reaction exactly equals the mole ratio required by the stoichiometry of the reaction. At this point, neither the acid nor the base is in excess or is the limiting reagent. Additionally, the pH of the solution depends on the relative strength of the acid and strength of the base used in the titration. A monoprotic acid (HCl) is an acid that donates one proton and therefore has one equivalence point. Whereas polyprotic acids have an equivalence point per removal of the proton. It is crucial to be able to see the equivalence point within a reaction. For this, an acid-base indicator, which changes colour near the equivalence point, is used. Sometimes pH can be measured with an instrumentally (instead of chemically with an indicator). A pH meter is used for this and measures a change in voltage which is caused by the change in H+. At the endpoint, a huge jump in pH/voltage occurs.

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