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英国教育学作业代写 教育的价值

人生教育的价值是不容置疑的。学习打开思维的批判性思维。教育和学习的意义必须从婴儿期开始到成年期。教育不仅描绘了书籍智慧的定义,而且还赋予心智的成长和发展一定程度的内涵,使之成为各种新的感知和选择(博卡,2010)。以教育为目标并承认教育的重要性为个人提供了“更清晰的视野”,并允许更多的兴趣去学习。它使个体具有连贯的认知思维能力,这对转型的发展是有效的(博卡,2010)。在经济、社会和政治成长和发展方面,教育是文化社会的基础。它为不同文化之间的交流提供了机会,从而丰富了对世界的欣赏和了解。教育对孩子的重要性不仅仅是文凭,还要坚持获取知识(博卡,2010)。在本质上,“教育意味着从一个个体进化为一个人,不仅仅是‘生存’,而是生活”(博卡,2010)。教育传递知识,通过发现和实施来改善人类。社会的发展取决于所教的教育是否优秀。质量越好,人们就越能获得智慧,并利用智慧进行改革,从而促进研究和开发。非裔美国人悲惨地开始在美国当奴隶。在美国社会中,这种地位被视为不值得拥有的东西,治疗也以这种方式反映出来(Mosley, 2009)。这一现象可以解释为什么非裔美国人的教育基础是粗糙的。教奴隶读书写字的能力在奴隶制时期被法律禁止,导致许多人完全没有受过教育(Mosley, 2009)。内战结束后,由于缺乏可及性,诸如布克·华盛顿(Booker T. Washington)等教育捐助者为南方的黑人建立了教育体系。

英国教育学作业代写 教育的价值

The merit of an education in life cannot be hesitated. Learning unlocks minds to critical thinking. The meaning of teaching and learning has to begin as early as infancy through adulthood. Not only does education portray a definition of book wisdom but also it imparts a degree of connotation to growth and development of the mind into various new perceptions and alternatives (Borkar, 2010). Aiming and acknowledging the importance for education provide individuals “with a clearer vision” and allows for more interest to learn. It makes an individual coherent with an capability to think cognitively, which are effective to the development of transformation (Borkar, 2010). Education forms the foundation of cultural society regarding economic, social, and political growth and development. It offers opportunities for communications from many cultural diversities, which results in enriched appreciation and exposure to the world. Importance of education to children not only goes further than credentials but also persistence in obtaining knowledge (Borkar, 2010). In essence, “education means to evolve from being an individual to a human being capable of, not merely ‘surviving’ but living life” (Borkar, 2010). Education convey knowledge whereby making discoveries and implementing for the betterment of humanity. The evolution of society depends upon the excellence of education that is being taught. The better the quality, the better people can gain wisdom and utilize it to make reforms that lead to research and development . African Americans miserably began in the United States as slaves. In American society this status was viewed as unworthy possessions in which treatments were reflected as such (Mosley, 2009). The phenomena identified envisions the explanation as to why the foundation of African Americans education was coarse. The ability to teach slaves to read and write was prohibited by law during this period of slavery resulting in many being completely uneducated (Mosley, 2009). After the Civil War, education contributors, such as Booker T. Washington, established educational systems for Blacks in the South due to the lack of accessibility.

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