Every competent writer has to know how to write a concise sentence and how to prune a long one to readable length. But a competent writer must also know how to manage s long sentence gracefully, how to make it as clear and as vigorous as a series of short ones.–<Style Toward Clarity and Grace>
但兰登教授在这本书中所提出的方法几乎完美地解决了以中文为母语的英文创作者的长难句之殇,能够迅速地提升写作中长句使用的强度和精度。他在书中列举了大量的例子,从Virginia Woolf到Conrad,从Samuel Johnson到Francis Bacon,也能很好帮助中国的英语学习者提升自己鉴赏长难句的能力。这篇文章中我讲简单的讲述兰登教授所提出的长难句的写作手法。
在讲解如何介绍长难句之前,我们先要从理解句子的基本逻辑入手。这里要介绍的是美国著名语言学家乔姆斯基(Chomsky),他同时也是一位公共知识分子,在学术界享有很高的声誉,在上个世纪与后现代主义哲学家福柯的辩论也被誉为是人类智识水平最高的一场对决之一。他提出了一个理念,叫做句子的深层结构(deep structure)
简单来说,他认为,在句子的表层结构(surface structure)之下,有一个深层结构,是没有被写出来的,精神层面上的观点(underlying mental reality)。在句子之中,我们是没有办法一眼看出深层结构的,但是深层结构很深地影响了我们对句子的理解。在句子的深层结构中,有许多的命题(proposition),是不体现在表层结构之中的,它们在我们的潜意识之中被从处理。我会用乔姆斯基在他的著作中提到的一个例子来诠释
Invisible God created the visible world.
表层结构(surface structure) 所展现出来的意思:一个看不见的神创造了看得见的世界。
深层结构(deep structure)
1)God is invisible. 神是隐形的
2)God created the world. 神创造了世界
3)The world is visible. 世界是可以被看见的
1) There is a God. 神是存在的
2) God is invisible. 神是隐形的
3) There is a world. 世界是存在的
4) The world is visible. 世界是可以被看见的
5) God created the world. 神创造了世界
1)There is a God. 神是存在的。【不少无神论者显然不会同意这个观点
2)There is a world. 世界是存在的【唯心主义论和唯物主义论在这件事情上面也会有分歧
3)The God created the world. 【同样是争论的焦点
1. God is visible, and the world is visible, and God created the world.
2.God, who is invisible, created the world, which is visible.
3.Being invisible, God created the world, which is invisible.
4.The world is visible and it was created by God, who is invisible.
1. He went to speak to Mrs. Bean. 他向豌豆姑娘讲话。
2. She was tiny among the pillows. 她在枕头之间,非常瘦小。
3. Her small toothless mouth was open like an O. 她小小的没有牙齿的嘴巴像O型一样张开。
4. Her skin was stretched thin and white over her bone. 她又瘦又白的皮肤包着骨头。
He went to speak to Mrs. Bean. 可以被划分为三个结构:
1. There was a “he”.
2. There was a Mrs. Bean.
3. He went to speak to Mrs. Bean.
1. 第一种,也是我们最长见到的长难句形式,叫做connective,连接式。通过连词将不同的深层结构中的观点所放在一起。常见的连词包括and, but, so 等等
He went to speak to Mrs. Beans and she was tiny among the pillows. Her small toothless mouth was open like an O and her skin was stretched thin and white over her bone.
2. 第二种是我们最怕的长难句形式,叫做subordinate,通过从句连接。在我个人的经验之中,通过从句所搭建的长难句往往是不太好理解的,而也容易犯下大量的语法错误。所以,我个人的建议依旧是避免用从句搭建长难句,除非会使句子更加清晰。
He went to speak to Mrs. Beans who was tiny among the pillows and whose small toothless mouth was open like an O and skin stretched thin and white over her bone.
3. 第三种则是兰登所提倡的长难句形式,叫做free modifiers,例子如下:
He went to speak to Mrs. Bean, tiny among the pillows, small toothless mouth open like an O, skin stretched thin and white over her bone.
4. 分词短语
Participial phase, Subject+Verb
Subject+Verb, Participial phrase
Looking at her, I felt that I was in heaven. 看着她,我就觉得自己在天堂里。
Looking at her为本句的分词。是用来修饰主语的,在这里大概可以被看作是一种形容词,用来描述主语的状态。因为是现在分词,所以表示这是主动语态。
Being looked at, I felt that I was in heaven. 当我被注视的时候,我觉得自己就在天堂里。
Being looked at是本句的分词,但是为过去分词,表示被动语态。这里我将举出几个例子:
Expecting a spectacular display, the crowd eagerly awaited the firework.
Printed in Old English, the new edition of Beowulf was too expensive for me to buy.
5. 绝对构造 Absolute Construction
第二种是非常特殊的语法现象,我在高考体系内学习的时候接触的也不多,叫做absolute construction,绝对构造。在前面所提到的分词短语的现象之中,基本原则是分词必须是修饰主语的,不然就是非常经典的语法错误,叫做dangling modifiers。报纸的编辑经常在第二天的版面上为昨天所犯下的dangling modifier的错误所道歉,举个例子:
Looking at her silently, two hours have passed.
(China Daily 中国日报今天刊登的文章,大家看看这句话有没有语法问题)
这句话想表达的意思是,当我看着她的时候,两个小时已经过去了。但是这句话的主语是两个小时,两个小时不能“看”着她,这就是典型的dangling modifier。但是绝对构造中,这种情况是可以存在的,举个例子:
I look at her silently, two hours having passed.
Her skirt torn and her leg burnt, Sara cried on the beach.
Caesar continued his march through Gaul, his army tired and tattered.
6. 同位语
My vacation plan, to go to Austria, is delayed. 【to go to Australia就是我的vacation plan的同位语】
The sudden delight–sight of a double rainbow–made me happy all the day.
The first African American president–Barack Obama–is very famous.
1. 选定基础句子(base clause)
这个地方应该是最后一处我需要介绍的语法现象,但这也是最简单的语法现象,那就是句子的组成部分。一个句子最为简单的组成部分:主语+谓语。我们将这个称之为kernel sentence,核心句子,是我们所有的长难句最开始的模样。相信大家都做过中文的简化句子的练习,到了最后,句子一般都可以被简化为一个kernel sentence的形式。
Kernel sentence最明确的特点不仅仅是它的比较单调的架构,更是它的细节上的缺乏,几乎不加任何解释。以下是兰登教授对于kernel sentence的定义:
Kernel sentences that simply posit a bare minimum of information offer the most basic form of predication. Highly predicative prose isn’t long on explanations. It has a kind of take-it-or-leave-it quality. This is macho-speak that bluntly posits information without reflecting upon it or elaborating it.
下面我讲引用欧内斯特·海明威在他的著名长篇小说的开头让诠释predicative sentence:【这段开头几乎是文学史上最有名的一段开头】
In the late summer of that year, we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river, there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.
The leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and he soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for leaves
1. Stirred by the breeze, the leaves fell.
2. The troops marched along the road.
3. The road was bare and white except for leaves.
【海明威在使用connective sentence方面很有自己的特点,具体的话可以看我剩下的两篇关于海明威的句子的知乎回答】
predicative sentences是我们进行长难句的基础。
2. Free modifiers
在我们写出predicative sentence之后,我们就要开始用到前面所提到的两大语法结构了。我想先带着大家来完成一个长难句的搭建,这样子思路就会清晰很多:
A lamp was burning on the table. 一个台灯在桌子上发光。
这是前面所讲到的标准的kernel sentence,核心句子。长难句的意义之一就是不断地补充细节进去。接下来,我们来使用第一个语法规则:分词,来为我们的这个句子增添细节。
A lamp was burning on the table, flickering slightly.
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind.
接下来,我们进入到第二个语法结构:绝对构造。这是句子往深层次发展的重要手段之一。前面我们提到了, flickering slightly,蜡烛在闪烁,这个闪烁的光芒有什么样的特性呢?我们来详细描述。
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind, the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall.
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind, the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall, the shadows portraying shapes of a man and a woman.
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind, the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall, the shadows portraying shapes of a man and a woman, he holding the woman’s hand, she comforting a baby in the trolley.
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind, the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall, the shadows portraying shapes of a man and a woman, he holding the woman’s hand, she tendering a baby in the trolley, providing no comfort to the inhabitant of the shelter, promising him nothing but loneliness。
A lamp was burning on the table, casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind, the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall, the shadows portraying shapes of a man and a woman, he holding the woman’s hand, she tendering a baby in the trolley, providing no comfort to the inhabitant of the shelter, promising him nothing but loneliness, a sense he knew too well, having stayed in a foreign country for over 20 years, time long enough for him to have a family in his motherland.
(1) A lamp was burning on the table (基础句子)
(2) casting dim light on the wall, flickering slightly in the wind (描写台灯的状态)
(3) the flicker animating a dance of shadows on the wall (描写台灯的灯光的状态)
(4) the shadows portraying shapes of a man and a woman (描写台灯的灯光在墙上的影子的状态)
(5) he holding the woman’s hand, she tendering a baby in the trolley (描写影子人影的状态)
(2) providing no comfort to the inhabitant of the shelter, promising him nothing but loneliness (回到描写台灯的状态)
(3) a sense he knew too well (描写主人公的孤独的状态)
(4) having stayed in a foreign country for over 20 years (描写主人公孤独的原因)
(5) time long enough for him to have a family in his motherland. (描写主人公所忍受的孤独的时间之长)
1. 笔者对语法专业词汇并不熟悉,有一些通过英文直接翻译,不准确之处还请多包涵。
2. 文中的例句来自《Building Great Sentences》《The Art of Styling Sentences》以及笔者自己的一些修改,来更好的诠释作者的思路
3. 兰登教授对于写作的论述复杂程度远高于我的总结,但他在书中并没有介绍任何的语法现象,所以可以在看完本文介绍的基础语法现象之后阅读全书,其中书中也涉及到了对Strunk等风格家的理论的反驳。
4. 文中所提出的方法也有较大的争议,比方说减慢文章的行文速度等。这里只是给大家一个参考的方式,具体情况具体选择。